July 2012 Issue Breakdown of MLS reported sales for 7 luxury areas analyzed by price points with year supply estimates.
Breakdown of MLS reported sales for 7 luxury areas analyzed by price points with year supply estimates. This detailed information provides important indicators for pricing and marketing strategies for buyers and sellers.
Rancho Santa Fe Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12= 110 with 234 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 112 and there were 276 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Rancho Santa Fe has gone from 15-month supply of inventory to a 13-month supply with inventory decreased by 15%.
Click here for Rancho Santa Fe historical sales compared by price range < $3 million, $3-$5 million, > $5 million
Del Mar Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12 =104 with 127 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 95 and there were 178 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Del Mar has gone from a 14-month supply of inventory to just over a 7-month supply with inventory decreased by 29% and sales volume up by 9%.
Click here for Del Mar historical sales compared by price range < $3 million, > $3 million
Encinitas Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12= 279 with 179 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 233 and there were 265 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Encinitas has gone from a 5-month supply of inventory to just under a 4-month supply with inventory decreased by 32% and sales volume up by 20%.
Click here for Encnitas historical sales compared by price range < $2.5 million, > $2.5 million
La Jolla Luxury Real Estate YTD sales as of 6/15/12 = 277 with 310 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 237 and there were 475 active listings on the market. Year-over-year La Jolla has gone from an 11-month supply of inventory to just under 7-month supply with inventory decreased by 35% and sales volume up by 17%.
Click here for La Jolla historical sales compared by price range < $3 million, $3-$5 million, > $5 million
Rancho Bernardo, Santaluz, The Crosby, 4S Ranch Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12= 781 with 253 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 608 and there were 574 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Rancho Bernardo has have gone from a 4-month supply of inventory to a 2-month supply with inventory decreased by 56% and sales volume up by 28%.
Click here for RB historical sales compared by price range < $1.5 million, > $1.5 million
Carmel Valley Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12= 324 with 162 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 293 and there were 290 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Carmel Valley has gone from a 4-month supply of inventory to a 3-month supply with inventory decreased by 44% and sales volume up by 11%.
Click here for Carmel Valley historical sales compared by price range < $2.5 million, > $2.5 million
Coronado Luxury Real Estate 2012 YTD sales as of 6/15/12= 117 with 195 active listings currently on the market. In 2011 sales as of 6/15 = 100 and there were 249 active listings on the market. Year-over-year Coronado has gone from a 12-month supply of inventory to just over a 9-month supply with inventory decreased by 22% and sales volume up by 17%.
Click here for Coronado historical sales compared by price range < $2.5 million, > $2.5 million