
Your Desk

Your desk says a lot about you…An unfortunate reality is that many of us probably spend more time sitting at our desks…

An unfortunate reality is that many of us probably spend more time sitting at our desks than most other places in our lives. Often mundane tasks are conducted here but it is also where important deals are closed, brilliant ideas are conceived, and works of significance and beauty are written. Vanity Fair calls the desk  “the seat of creativity”.  Make your desk a place of inspiration and style. Here are some of our current fav’s:

"The sleek lines, functional storage spaces and high quality of the BDI Casadia Office may not get the work done for you, but you’ll love working while you sit at it." Hold It Contemporary Home INSPIRATION Blog
Lattice Desk with Marble from At HOM showroom in Little Italy,
The Portland desk made from solid American black walnut hardwood is FSC Certified to the industry’s highest standard in responsible forestry, found at LAWRANCE furniture,

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