
Fun Facts from the February Issue

Wednesday Feb 15, 2012  As we work off our post Valentines Day chocolate hang-overs here are a few fun facts found in our February Issue.

 As we work off our post Valentines Day chocolate hang-overs here are a few fun facts found in our February Issue.

I for one LOVE a good one-stop-shop so I was excited to hear that Eco Building Products now has a complete building supply retail location in Vista. If you are building a house, room addition, patio or deck you have no excuses not to use protected (from those pesky things like termites, wood rot, fire) lumber PLUS you can also choose from an array of eco-friendly doors and windows including Jeld-Wen & roofing products from Decra.

How does one immortalize their pet without seeming cheesy or like “the crazy cat lady”…. with a custom Pop-Art portrait of course.  I can’t wait get one of my little Pepe.

If you are thinking about applying for a Loan Modification or are already in the process you need to read our article on the NPV test. This is something your financial institution probably won’t tell you about but you need to know. Read it here.

See Previous Post: Shopping, Solo on Cedros>>>



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