
Time For a New Family Portrait?

Wednesday Oct 26, 2011  Make sure your next family portrait makes a splash…

Portraits of our little pumpkins are a staple. You hang them with love, show them off with zeal, and rightly so!  Instead of planning matching outfits for your next family pic why not think a little outside the box, actually all the way outside the box and into the pool. San Diego photographer David Hebble (David Hebble Photography + Film) shoots incredible underwater portraiture that is charming, fun, and artistic, PLUS it is much easier to convince little Bobby or Sally to go for a swim than sit for a photo right!


Not just for the little ones…

This Saturday David is shooting from 11:45am-2pm at the Noonan Family Swim School in 4S Ranch.  Contact David or the school to see if there are any available slots left or schedule your own shoot with David. ( He also shoots weddings, architecture, advertising, surf and film)

These final two are I think my favorites.

This face and the gorgeous colors, so unique!

Most original wedding invitation photo.

See next post>>> 

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