Thursday Oct 13, 2011 A small piece that makes a big statement from the folks at Mixture.
This little coin bank from Mixture in Little Italy is sure to set off a conversation. Rather than a deafening explosion that leads to devastation, the Love Grenade is meant to symbolize future and propserity as you save your change to donate to those in need. To help in this effort Mixture is donating partial proceeds to “Act Now to Stop War & End Racism”. (A.N.S.W.E.R.). I know these are a hot ticket so if you want to get your own Love Grenade call ahead to make sure they still have some in stock.
These pieces were created by the talented people at Mixture. Visit them here.
Weapons which may be typically viewed as symbols of violence are converted to tools for peace in sketchbooks and bookends. Ideas, words, and wisdom as the means to get a point across over violence.