Monday Sept 26, 2011 In our September issue we went over some of the ways going synthetic can save you money and conserve water.
So where do you fall in the debate, real deal all the way or faux is fabulous? I’d love to hear from homeowners who have decided for or against using synthetic turf and what their experiences have been. I have to admit much of it looks quite real to me and if you have a golfer in your life–could there be a more perfect gift than one’s very own putting green? If you are interested in the nitty gritty you can read a detailed cost comparison between installing a 1,000 sq.ft. natural lawn and 1,000 sq.ft. synthetic lawn right here.
For now, lets play a little game: Real or Faux?

Okay so that was sort of a trick game. These are all synthetic turf projects from One Putt Green’s. Email me with your experiences and we will put them up on a follow up post… lynette@