Tuesday Jan 3, 2012 We talk about creating order in your home for the new year in our January issue, part of that includes going paperless…
A paperless office, or very nearly so, will be the way of the future. You can sign documents online or from your phone or ipad, you get bills via email, there is almost no reason to print out basic office paperwork anymore especially if you are organized in your digital world. We talk about how going paperless can eliminate clutter for the new year and part of the process includes signing up for one of the new Cloud services that “virtually” store your documents and information in the… well I don’t know where they keep it but it is somewhere out there in the internets. (we recommend this in conjunction with a hard drive back up of course). Here are a few Cloud services that are out there if you are interested in checking this out.
I can’t recommend one to you right now, I am a bit new to this myself. The ability to share and edit documents and have your files at your fingertips virtually everywhere you go is pretty nifty though.