Friday November 9, 2012 Locally, as in at your local Albertsons. Globally, as in OVER 20 countries. Lots of big things happening here at PREMIER.
As we look ahead to 2013 (yep it is that time, really) we are asking ourselves the important questions. How can we make next year even better? How can we provide better service to our advertisers? Reach more readers? Set ourselves farther apart from the pack? It is a constant work in progress and I am happy to see some of our efforts coming to fruition before we even get to 2013.
You will now find us at your local Albertsons. Yes, when you pick up your organic cage free eggs or that pint of Ben and Jerry’s you can pick up your San Diego PREMIER. Just another way we are trying to be everywhere our readers are.
From the micro local level to the macro global level, just since October 1, 2012 (I wanted to check just the last month to give it a proper frame) PREMIER has been read in Bahrain, China, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Qatar, Singapore, India, South Africa, Lebanon, Mexico, the UAE, Australia, Canada, Nigeria, Romania, Thailand, Brazil, Croatia, New Zealand, and Slovakia… not to mention 20 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This was just in the last month!
In a global economy and global market it is crucial, in real estate especially, to reach an international audience of buyers and we are doing just that.
I may have mentioned this but you can download us on your iPhone, iPad, Kindle or Android. (it’s FREE!)
Well that is enough bragging for one post. Many more cool things to come for 2013!!!
See Previous Post:>>Heavenly Kitchens, Healthy Eats